Welcome to a world where intelligence is not a fixed attribute but a dynamic quality that can be cultivated through everyday habits. In this blog, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of personal development, exploring twelve habits that have the potential to make you smarter and enhance various aspects of your life.

  1. The Power of Intelligence:

Intelligence, in its various forms, is a key player in shaping our personal, professional, and social lives. Individuals with higher intelligence tend to climb the professional ladder more swiftly, achieve long-term goals, and experience success in relationships. Moreover, the most intelligent minds throughout history have played a pivotal role in shaping societies and driving progress, from Steve Jobs’ innovative contributions to Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking’s transformative understanding of the universe.

  1. Intelligence is Not Fixed:

Contrary to the belief that intelligence is an inherent trait, the speech emphasizes that intelligence is not set in stone. Take Albert Einstein as an example; initially labeled a “slow learner,” he went on to win a Nobel Prize in Physics and become one of history’s most renowned geniuses. The central idea here is that intelligence can be developed through consistent effort, discipline, and the adoption of specific habits.

  1. Everyday Habits for a Smarter You:

Let’s explore the twelve habits outlined in the speech:

woman in white shirt using smartphone

a. Meditation (Increase IQ): – Meditation, an ancient practice, has been scientifically proven to enhance memory, improve concentration, and increase IQ. – A study showed that avid meditators scored 20% higher on IQ tests compared to non-meditators. – Meditating for a few minutes daily can significantly improve your ability to think, concentrate, and solve problems.

b. High-Exposure Method (Warren Buffet’s Approach): – The high-exposure method involves flooding your brain with productive materials daily. – Warren Buffet and other successful individuals engage with current events, talk to interesting people, and stay informed about their industries. – Exposing your brain to diverse and inspiring materials regularly can lead to the generation of innovative ideas.

c. Physical Exercise (Make Your Neurons Powerful): – Studies show a correlation between physical exercise and intellectual performance. – Cardio and strength training promote the growth of neurons, increasing brainpower. – Engaging in physical activities can contribute to the expansion and complexity of your brain.

d. The Illusion of Knowledge (Question Everything): – Develop the habit of questioning everything, regardless of how popular or conventional it may seem. – Curiosity and questioning lead to a deeper and more unique perspective. – Challenging assumptions and seeking answers can contribute to intellectual growth.

e. Einstein’s Principle of Learning (Explain Simply): – Einstein’s principle emphasizes mastering a concept by being able to explain it simply to others. – Mastery ensures a deeper understanding and the ability to create meaningful connections. – Explaining concepts in simple terms is a test of true comprehension.

f. Intelligence Is Contagious (Surround Yourself with Smart People): – Your social environment has a significant impact on intellectual development. – Surrounding yourself with intelligent individuals can elevate your thinking. – Intelligence is contagious; interacting with smart people stimulates intellectual growth.

g. The Power of Reflective Writing: – Writing allows for concrete expression of ideas, aiding in problem-solving. – Journaling helps in making sense of thoughts and transforming how you think. – Writing just one paragraph about your life every day can lead to a new perspective.

h. Reinvent Your Distractions: – Instead of succumbing to mindless distractions, use them to challenge your mind. – Replace time-wasting activities with those that teach you something new. – For example, opt for thought-provoking documentaries over mindless TV shows during breaks.

i. Activate Your Musical Brain: – Playing a musical instrument is akin to giving your brain a full-body workout. – It triggers emotional responses, enhances communication between brain hemispheres, and improves memory and motor skills. – Learning an instrument, whether you’re an amateur or professional, can significantly train your brain.

j. Bite-sized Reading: – Reading is a powerful way to accrue knowledge and structurally change your brain. – MRI scans show increased brain performance and connectivity after reading a single book. – To make reading more manageable, commit to just two pages a day – a small habit with significant rewards.

k. Outsmart Your Devices (Reduce Screen Time): – Excessive screen time negatively affects cognitive performance. – Lowering screen time, even by 20%, can boost energy, concentration, and motivation. – Stepping away from devices for a few hours daily allows for increased focus and a conducive environment for learning and growth.

l. Unlock Your Imagination: – Highly intelligent individuals often possess creativity. – Exploring creative hobbies like writing, painting, or crafting enhances cognitive performance and nurtures new ideas. – Spend at least fifteen minutes each day letting your creative mind wander to think in new ways.


In conclusion, the journey to becoming smarter is not reserved for the naturally gifted; rather, it is a path that anyone can embark on with the right habits and consistent effort. The twelve everyday habits outlined in this blog offer a roadmap for expanding your mind, pushing your intellectual limits, and unlocking the full potential of your intelligence. Whether through meditation, physical exercise, questioning everything, or embracing creativity, each habit contributes to a holistic approach to personal development. So, seize the opportunity to make intelligence your superpower and explore the incredible possibilities that await you on this journey. Thank you for accompanying us on this exploration of habits that can make you smarter.

By Cathy

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