Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to have you here, and I have something very important to discuss with you today. Many of us have dreams and aspirations that we truly want to achieve. These could be related to our health, fitness, mental wellness, finances, relationships, businesses, or careers. However, more often than not, we find ourselves dropping the ball on these important goals. Today, we’re going to dive into effective goal setting and explore the secrets of those who succeed in achieving their aspirations. These strategies will help you become part of the successful 6% who reach their goals.

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The Research: Eye-Opening Statistics

Last year, I conducted research surveying 1,000 people across the United States. Each of these individuals had something significant they wanted to change in their lives at the beginning of the year. They were excited and motivated, pledging to go to the gym more often, save more money, scale their businesses, or improve their relationships. I followed these individuals from January to June to see how their goals panned out over time. The results were shocking: 94% of these people had abandoned their goals by February. This led me to investigate what the remaining 6% did differently to achieve their success.

Three Secrets of the Six Percenters

1. Taking Charge

The first secret of the successful 6% is their ability to take charge and set their minds to do something different. Our brains are designed to conserve energy, with about 20% of our overall body energy being used just to get by each day. This includes performing routine tasks like checking social media, reading the news, responding to emails, and interacting with people in familiar ways. When we try to introduce new habits or ways of doing things, our brains resist because they are already maxed out on the energy used for daily routines.

Every day, our brains present us with a deal: stick to familiar routines to conserve energy or step out of our comfort zones and risk feeling drained. Most people unconsciously sign up for the former, staying stuck in their routines and not achieving their desired goals. However, the successful 6% consciously decide to take charge and break free from these energy-conserving habits. They push themselves to try new things, even when it’s uncomfortable.

To become a six-percenter, you need to consciously decide to do something different. This could mean changing your workout routine, trying new business strategies, or adopting new mental wellness practices. The key is to break the cycle of routine and embrace change, no matter how small.

2. The Law of Specification

The second secret is what I call the law of specification. The more specific and granular you are in setting your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. Let’s take the example of going to the gym. While the 94% might vaguely decide to go to the gym more often, the successful 6% set precise goals. They might decide to go to the gym every day between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., establish a specific workout routine, set alarms to wake up early, and even prepare their gym clothes the night before. They might also set up accountability measures, such as having a workout buddy or penalties for missing sessions.

Being specific means breaking down your goals into actionable steps and setting clear timelines. If your goal is to improve your business, don’t just aim to increase profits. Instead, set a target to increase profits by a certain percentage within a specific timeframe, identify the strategies you’ll use, and track your progress regularly.

Using the law of specification involves setting SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This approach ensures that your goals are clear and achievable, providing you with a roadmap to follow and milestones to celebrate along the way.

3. The 0 to 10 Rule

The third secret is the 0 to 10 rule. In our busy lives, it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of tasks, but not all tasks are created equal. The 94% spend their days doing low-priority tasks, running around without making real progress towards their goals. In contrast, the successful 6% focus on their most important tasks – the tens.

In any given day, you have tasks that are zeroes, ones, or twos – these are low-priority and can be delegated, postponed, or even ignored. On the other hand, the tens are your most critical tasks that drive you towards your long-term goals. The six percenters prioritize these tens, tackling them first before moving on to anything else.

This focus on high-priority tasks prevents burnout and ensures that you’re making meaningful progress. Instead of trying to do everything, identify your tens and concentrate on them. This might mean starting your day with a key project, dedicating uninterrupted time to strategic planning, or engaging in activities that significantly impact your career or personal growth.

Implementing the Strategies

To put these strategies into practice, start with a single high-priority goal. Use the law of specification to get detailed about what you want to achieve and create a clear action plan. For example, if your goal is to improve your fitness, specify exactly what exercises you will do, when and where you will do them, and how you will track your progress.

Next, apply the 0 to 10 rule by identifying the most important tasks that will help you achieve this goal. Prioritize these tasks each day, and don’t get sidetracked by less important activities. Over time, you’ll build momentum and see significant progress.

It’s important to start small and build gradually. Trying to change too many things at once can be overwhelming. Focus on one goal for 30 days, allowing your brain to establish a new neural pathway and automate the new behavior. Once you’ve successfully integrated this new habit, move on to the next goal.

Avoiding Burnout

One of the biggest challenges in achieving goals is avoiding burnout. The six percenters understand the importance of balance and preventing burnout by focusing on what matters most. They don’t mistake busyness for progress. By using the 0 to 10 rule, they ensure that their efforts are aligned with their most important goals, which keeps them motivated and prevents exhaustion.

Burnout often occurs when we try to do too much at once or spread ourselves too thin. To avoid this, be realistic about what you can achieve in a given timeframe and prioritize self-care. Make sure to include time for rest, relaxation, and activities that recharge your energy.

Long-Term Success

The journey to success is a marathon, not a sprint. By adopting the strategies of the successful 6%, you can achieve sustained progress and transform your life over time. Remember, it’s about making consistent, incremental changes rather than drastic, short-lived efforts.

As you implement these strategies, celebrate your successes along the way. Acknowledge the progress you’ve made and use it as motivation to keep going. Each small victory brings you closer to your ultimate goals.


Becoming a part of the successful 6% is within your reach. By taking charge, setting specific and granular goals, and focusing on your most important tasks, you can achieve everything you want and more. Effective goal setting and prioritization are the keys to unlocking your potential and transforming your life. Start today by identifying one high-priority goal, create a detailed plan, and commit to making steady progress. Welcome to the 6% Club, where success is a way of life.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll not only achieve your goals but also inspire those around you to do the same. Remember, success is not a matter of chance but a result of deliberate actions and unwavering commitment. Embrace these principles, and watch as your dreams become reality.

  1. Clear, J. (2018).Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Avery.
  2. Covey, S. R. (1989).The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Free Press.
  3. Duckworth, A. (2016).Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Scribner.

These references provide additional insights and practical advice on forming effective habits, prioritizing important tasks, and cultivating persistence and perseverance.

By Cathy

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